Well done on creating an awesome video, for sharing it with your colleagues and sharing it on social media! We bet that you’re waiting for the marketing fame to roll in? However, let’s guess that every time you’ve looked – your video hasn’t been viewed as much as you’d hoped.
After you've spent all that time, energy, and money to make the video, you have to remember it’s about actively making sure your video gets in front of your target audience – your potential clients!
Your video deserves attention. Here's our checklist of key places to share your new video:
As the second largest search engine, You Tube is one of the first spots you'll want to upload your new video to! It's important for your brand to use YouTube strategically to showcase this video and future videos far and wide.
Remember that You Tube, isn’t a marketing strategy by itself. Use You Tube to gain attention and drive users to your website. Why? They can get to know your brand even more, free from content distraction!
Your Website
Did you know that buyers now go through nearly 70% of the buying process independently before ever talking to a company?
Therefore, it is important to include videos on your website so that you can be as persuasive as possible and make a more human connection - videos embedded on your website can help increase conversion by 80%!
Share your video via email
Email campaigns that include video have a 96% higher click-through rate when compared to non-video emails. The next time you send an email campaign out – add an embedded link of your video, it’s a no brainer!
Include it in your signature
Many people forget about their email signatures and it’s one of the best FREE advertising tools! Change your signature to include a hyperlink to your video that is embedded on your website.
Let’s get social
When sharing your new awesome video – your social media channels are your best friend! Share on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and G+. Don’t forget Instagram too, but remember you’ve have to create a short clip to advertise your video & then include the link back to your main website!
How about sharing to these places too?
- Sales material
- Blog
- Press releases
- Partner blogs
When you next release an awesome video, don't miss out on any opportunities to share it! See maximum ROI from your video content by sharing it in the right places. Next time you have a video created, why not contact Mick to see what One Minute Wonder he can create for you 07973 463932 or email mick@oneminutewonders.co.uk